- https://www.cargurus.com/
- https://www.cars.com/
- https://www.yellowpages.com/
- https://www.yelp.com/sf
- https://www.bbb.org/en/us/
- http://infobahrain.com/
- http://www.yellowpages.bh/
- http://clickbahrain.com/classified-all
- http://bahrainyellowpagesonline.com/
- https://bizioner.com/
- http://www.abc-bahrain.com/
- http://www.bahrainyellow.com/
- http://www.bahrainseek.com/
- https://www.angieslist.com/
- https://www.manta.com/
- https://www.uship.com/
- https://www.mapquest.com/
- https://www.ksl.com/
- https://reading.craigslist.org/
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Monday, 17 July 2017
Best Citations For Car Dealers
- https://myaccount.google.com/
- http://www.localsearch.ae/en
- https://www.yello.ae/
- https://www.angloinfo.com/dubai
- http://www.uaecontact.com/
- http://productsurf.com/
- http://abudhabi.yalwa.ae/
- http://uaebusinessdirectory.com/
- http://alldubai.ae/
- http://www.araboo.com/
- http://abu-dhabi-business.info/
- http://reachuae.com/
- https://in.enrollbusiness.com/
- https://ae.kompass.com/
- http://www.dcciinfo.com/
- http://sohbetna.com/
- http://www.uaeplusplus.com/
- http://connector.ae/
- http://www.lawyersinuae.com/
- https://dubaibizdirectory.com/
- http://www.yellowpages.ae/
- http://www.indexuae.com/
- http://www.biznessuae.com/
- http://ww38.yallamena.com/
Friday, 14 July 2017
How to Prevent Facebook Videos Playing Automatically
Facebook recently enabled the auto-play videos feature. With
the help of auto-play, videos automatically start playing as it surfaces on
your timeline. Facebook introduced this feature so that users would watch more
videos on their sites. Many users find this feature annoying and that’s
understandable because it forces you to watch videos which you would generally
avoid, and these videos consume a lot of data, and it sometimes becomes
disturbing but thankfully there is a disable option to stop these auto-playing
If you are using Facebook on the desktop, through Settings
you can disable auto-play videos. Steps to be followed are:-
1) In the upper right-hand corner of Facebook, go to drop down
menu and click on settings and choose videos.
2) Change the “on” option to “off” for auto- play videos.
It’s that simple to turn off your auto-play option in
It’s probably annoying when Facebook videos auto-play on
your Smartphone as they consume a lot of data. To turn off auto-play on your
mobile, follow these steps:-
1) Open Facebook app, go to left sidebar, and then choose
“app settings”.
2) Click on “video auto-play” link and choose turn off
You can also click on “auto-play videos on WI-FI only” box.
To disable auto-playing videos on IOS from Facebook
1) In the bottom right corner, click on the “more” button
and, go to settings and choose videos and photos.
2) Click on auto-play setting and turn it off.
So, by following these steps you can turn off the auto-play
feature of your Facebook on any device and you don’t have to see any videos you
don’t want to.
High PR Directory Submission Sites
- http://www.sitepromotiondirectory.com/
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- http://www.happal.com/
- http://www.ranaf.com/
- http://www.the-free-directory.co.uk/
- http://www.submission4u.com/
- http://www.botid.org/
- http://www.busybits.com/
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- http://www.enforum.net/
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- http://www.linkpedia.net/
- http://www.splut.com/
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Free App Submission and Review Site Lists
- http://apps4review.com/submit-apps/
- http://appsmirror.com/submit-your-app-for-review
- http://appsthunder.com/submit-your-app/
- http://appslisto.com/submit-your-app/
- http://appiod.com/submit-app-for-review/
- http://game400.com/submit-your-game
- https://appsized.com/contact/
- http://101bestandroidapps.com/auth/contact
- http://alphadigits.com/submit-app-for-review/
- http://www.codengo.com/signup
- https://androidcommunity.com/send-tips/
- http://appaddict.net/contact-us/
- http://app-apes.com/submit-an-app-for-free-review/
- http://appdictions.com/developers/
- http://apps400.com/submit-your-application-for-review
- http://appstimes.in/submit-app/
- http://webapprater.com/submit-your-web-application-for-review.html
- http://appsmamma.com/submit-your-app/
- http://appspirate.com/contact/
- http://appstouse.com/submit-app-for-review
- https://www.bestappsforkids.com/app-developers/submit-your-app-free/
- https://e27.co/contact-us/
- https://feedmyapp.com/submit/
- https://appagg.com/ios/productivity/timecamp-time-tracker-10048832.html
- http://geeksterlabs.com/contact/
- http://getandroidstuff.com/submit-app/
- https://getpocket.com/signup/?ep=1
- http://hotmacapps.com/app-review/
- http://isource.com/about/contact-us/
- http://lifeinlofi.com/contact-lofi/
- http://phandroid.com/tip-us/#cforms_captcha6
- https://tech.co/submit-news-tips
- http://www.clickvalidator.net/?cid=1499848437002300004
- http://toucharchive.com/wordpress/review-request/
- http://www.100bestandroidapps.com/contact
- http://www.androidapplog.com/suggest-app/
- https://www.androidapps.com/review-request/
- https://www.theiphonemom.com/submit-your-app/
- http://www.topappreviews101.com/submit-ipad-app.php
- http://www.whatsmyapp.com/request-a-review/
- https://appagg.com/
- https://android-app-promotion.com/free-installs-and-ratings/
Sunday, 9 July 2017
Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Analytics
DT - Set date range to today
DW - Set date range to last week
DY - Set date range to yesterday
D7 - Set date range to last 7 days
D30 - Set date range to last 30 days
DM - Set date range to LAST MONTH
DC - Toggle date comparison mode (to the previous period of whatever you are looking at.
Example, if you’re looking at 6 days, this will compare it to the 6 days before it)
DX - Toggle date comparison mode (previous year)
Its work's with all the reports & screens except the home screen dashboard
DW - Set date range to last week
DY - Set date range to yesterday
D7 - Set date range to last 7 days
D30 - Set date range to last 30 days
DM - Set date range to LAST MONTH
DC - Toggle date comparison mode (to the previous period of whatever you are looking at.
Example, if you’re looking at 6 days, this will compare it to the 6 days before it)
DX - Toggle date comparison mode (previous year)
Its work's with all the reports & screens except the home screen dashboard
Application Shortcuts
? - Open
keyboard shortcut help
h - Search
help center
a - Open
account panel
shift + a - Go to
account list
s / - Search
shift + d - Go to the
default dashboard of the current profile
Thursday, 6 July 2017
This on-page SEO checklist is useful when working with a new website audit, or auditing a page or site that you haven’t worked on recently.
- Make sure our page isn’t no-indexed
- Could ruin our day
- Our webpage does not use the no index Meta tag.
- This means that our webpage will be read and indexed by search engines.
- Proper HTML
- No more than 512 pixels or about 70 characters
- Does it make sense
- Grammar / spelling check
- Is it helpful to users?
- Contains the keyword you wish to rank for
- Proper HTML and no errors
- Does it make sense?
- Grammar / spelling check
- Is it helpful to users?
- 512 pixels (x2) or about 140 characters
- Contains keyword you wish to rank for
H Tags
- H1 tag on every page containing target keyword
- Proper HTML
- Does it make sense?
- Grammar / spelling check
- Provides useful heading
LSI / Synonyms
- Use synonyms for keyword
- Use natural language, not robot speak
- Can combat duplicate content
- Use only when necessary
Social Sharing Buttons
- Can increase engagement
- Might bring in some links
Outbound Links
- Link to helpful websites within your niche
- Link to authoritative sites within your niche
Internal Links
- Link to helpful pages within your website
- Link to most popular pages on your website
Website Speed
- Website should load in under 2 seconds
- Sub-pages should load in under 2 seconds
XML Sitemap
- Helps Google Crawl
- Necessary part of any website
Schema Markup
- Use our friendly JSON-LD generator
- Use appropriate type of markup e.g. review, car dealership, book
- Depends on type of page
- Make sure images are helpful
- Do you own the images
- Proper size in pixels
- Proper size in file size
- alt tags should properly describe the images
URL / permalink
- Does URL make sense
- Proper spelling and grammar
- Don’t use words like “a” or “and”
- Pretty URL’s such as http://www.example.com/my-website not http://www.example.com/p=876
- Does page pass the mobile friendly test?
- Does website and page look good on phone, tablet, etc?
- Use Chrome dev tools to emulate devices like iPhone
Render Blocking Resources
- Make sure JS and CSS not loading before DOM
- Make sure allowed in robots.txt
- Use Chrome / Firefox dev tools
- Is it installed?
- Is it installed correctly?
- Is it installed?
- Is it installed correctly?
- Is it optimized?
Anchor Text
- Beware of over optimization
- Should be helpful cue
- Contains keywords if possible
Site Structure
- Plan site structure
- Pages in hierarchy?
- e.g. /phones/cases/iphones vs iphone-cases/iphones
Panda Risk Assessment
- Low quality content
- Grammar / spelling
- Outbound links
- Placement of ads above fold?
- Size of ads
- Ads load time
- Block admin pages
- Allow robots to crawl important pages
- Dont block CSS or JavaScript
- Pretty permalinks
- Smart redirects if necessary
Modifiers in Title and
- Use words like “top” “best” and “2017”
- Score long tail keywords
Keyword Density
- Use target keyword in first part of article
- Not too dense
Word Count
- Studies show longer content can sometimes rank better
- Be aware of overall word count
Bounce Rate and Dwell Time
- Keep visitors on site as long as possible
- Use tricks like “similar posts”
Encourage Engagement
- Blog comments may help with ranking
- Signals like “like” “heart” and “upvote” might help
Content Freshness
- If you update content, consider updating the date
- Don’t post content just to post it
- Google likes fresh websites
Privacy Policy
- A good idea to have one anyway
- Adds legitimacy to site
Main Navigation
- Should link to most popular pages
- Internal linking opportunity
- Only link to most important pages
Side and Bottom Navigation
- Internal linking opportunity
- Link to most popular pages
Server Optimization
- Check for 404s and other errors
- Make sure old websites not indexed / present
- Check for malware
- Security check / scanning
Evergreen Content
- Be sure to update for accuracy
- Link to internally from website
Hidden CSS or text?
- Look for display:none
- White text on white background for e.g.
Google Analytics installed and
Google Search Console installed
and verified
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Best Citations For Car Dealers
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